An update - a shift in focus of the project
Right now, we think the most productive path forward is to use our platform to bring together an informal community of revolutionary education workers.

Going into 2024, after a whole lot of burnout in the first few months of the school year for myself and the couple other folks involved so far, Angry Education Workers is going to shift its focus a bit. Right now, we think the most productive path forward is to use our platform to bring together an informal community of revolutionary education workers. This ecosystem can then be a launching pad for producing worker-centered studies of the education industry, agitprop, and theory by and for educators.
Of course, we would still use things like the website and our social media platforms to widely disseminate any of these projects to the wider world.
My hope is that this will be more accessible than trying to convene a "formal" collective. Through more informal communication with each other on small, shared forums like the discord server, group chats, and in person conversations (for those of us geographically close by each other) we can form studies, art, and social connections that impact the growing labor upsurge in education. The time and energy commitment, then, is low, and entirely up to each individual member to determine their level of engagement on any given day. Part of the inspiration for this comes from non-political art collectives, where people can swap pieces and feedback on their own terms.
Basically, we want Angry Education Workers to become online, and physical, spaces that enable education workers with revolutionary politics from around the world to create and collaborate with each other. This would also offer us more opportunities to share our organizing experiences and perspectives on labor strategy, what roles we should play during revolutionary transition, and how we should respond to the increasingly normal crises plaguing our world. We can then carry what we've learned back into the various concrete organizing for power many of us are involved in.
All that said, I want to encourage everyone who works in education (in any job role) reading this to take one or more of the following next steps:
- Join our discord server.
- Fill out this form to indicate which communication platform is most comfortable for you.
- Subscribe to our website's newsletter (especially with everything going down with the organizing against substack's platforming of nazis, I don't want to rely on that site).
- Send us an email:
- Join our subreddit.
We hope to collaborate soon!
Proletarian Pedagogue