inquiry The Danger of the Polite Ableist And Why Journalism, Education, and Media for Children need to be held responsible for their ableism.
theory and strategy Ordering the Arena of Modern Life: The Role of World's Fairs in the Education Industry This essay makes the case for the IWW and other revolutionary unions to strategically target world's fairs and other expositions for organizing.
education history The Performing Arts Proletariat vs. The Band Directors A brilliant inquiry into the history of music education, particularly the origin of the band director in the authoritarian social relationships of capitalism.
education history How Volksmusik Became Polka Music The cultural history of German American volksmusik and its exploitation—with insight into the intimate connections between the education and entertainment industries.
inquiry An Education Workers' Self-Inquiry A scaffolded manual for building worker power in the education industry, along with some research resources that might help expedite the process.
class struggle A Quick Guide to Unionization for Charter School Workers Public school workers are not the only ones who need unions.
music education Link Roundup: Some Random Stuff This week’s post is basically just a collection of calls to action, art pieces, short thoughts, and useful research resources from various community members mixed together. We hope you enjoy!
inquiry Practical Research Tools for your own Workers' Self-Inquiry To understand the exploitation and alienation we experience in our individual workplaces, we have to research widely and deeply about matters that, on their surface, have nothing to do with our jobs.
inquiry How DCI and BOA fit with Steven Hasan’s B.I.T.E model The reason why groups like DCI and BOA are toxic and dangerous is that parents, teachers, and students don’t know the harm or damage being done physiologically, mentally, and psychologically until much later on in life.