inquiry The Industrialization of Education, Introduction: The Class Divide This essay is the introduction to an upcoming series on the history of education through the lens of capitalist social relations and industrialization.
theory and strategy Ordering the Arena of Modern Life: The Role of World's Fairs in the Education Industry This essay makes the case for the IWW and other revolutionary unions to strategically target world's fairs and other expositions for organizing.
theory and strategy Towards a Revolutionary Union Movement, Addendum: A Revolutionary Vehicle? The Role of the IWW After extensive discussion among rank-and-file IWW militants with concrete workplace organizing experience, we present this evaluation of the IWW and a vision for its future.
theory and strategy Towards a Revolutionary Union Movement, Part 13: Conclusions We draw strategic conclusions from our analysis of revolutionary unionism. There are two immediate priorities: organizing the unorganized and dual carding within the established unions.
theory and strategy Towards a Revolutionary Union Movement, Part 12: Autonomous The revolutionary workers' movement must enforce total independence from electoral politics and middle-class political organizations, including ones on the left. Our autonomy is essential for victory.
theory and strategy Towards a Revolutionary Union Movement, Part 11: Rooted in Communities and Social Movements We cannot let the state and capital drive a wedge between workers and their own communities. Revolutionary unions must forge alliances with community groups and root themselves in social movements.
theory and strategy Towards a Revolutionary Union Movement, Part 10: Antifascist Fascism represents an all out war against the proletariat. Revolutionary unionists must unite with antifascist struggles of all types if we hope to outlast the repression we will inevitably face.
theory and strategy Towards a Revolutionary Union Movement, Part 9: Industrial(?) Revolutionary unions should strongly consider adopting an industrial organizing model that can effectively coordinate the takeover of production during a revolutionary upheaval.
theory and strategy Towards a Revolutionary Union Movement, Part 8: Internationalist Revolutionary unions must foster international solidarity by rejecting the nation-state and militarism. That means organizing across borders and down global supply chains.
theory and strategy Towards a Revolutionary Union Movement, Part 7: Heterodox Strategy and Tactics A revolutionary union movement must find a way to overcome "the syndicalist cycle." It must navigate the class struggle in a fluid, adaptable way to outflank capital.
theory and strategy Towards a Revolutionary Union Movement, Part 6: Militant We need a revolutionary union movement to confront the power of the employing class. Revolutionary unions must embrace militant, class struggle strategies and tactics to win.
theory and strategy Towards a Revolutionary Union Movement, Part 5: Democratic and Inclusive We need a new type of revolutionary unionism that can confront capitalism. Revolutionary unions must prefigure the future by practicing direct forms of democracy, paired with an inclusive culture.
theory and strategy Towards a Revolutionary Union Movement, Part 4: Prefigurative We need a new type of revolutionary unionism to confront capitalism. Revolutionary unions must embody the future societies they strive to create in their present-day organizational forms.
theory and strategy Towards a Revolutionary Union Movement, Part 3: Against Class Collaboration We need a new, revolutionary type of unionism to confront the power of the employing class. In part three of this series, we delve into the first of nine traits that distinguish revolutionary unions.
theory and strategy Towards a Revolutionary Union Movement, Part Two: Dual Power We need a new, revolutionary type of unionism that can confront the power of the employing class. In the second part of this series, we argue that revolutionary unions must build dual power.
theory and strategy Towards a Revolutionary Union Movement, Part One: Introduction We need a new, revolutionary type of unionism that can confront the power of the employing class. Our new essay series examines the traits revolutionary unions must possess to measure up to the task.
theory and strategy Against Professionalism! Professional hierarchies in educational workplaces exist to set groups of workers against each other in service of arbitrary definitions of professional conduct that are imposed by our employers.
inquiry An Education Workers' Self-Inquiry A scaffolded manual for building worker power in the education industry, along with some research resources that might help expedite the process.
class struggle A Quick Guide to Unionization for Charter School Workers Public school workers are not the only ones who need unions.
music education Link Roundup: Some Random Stuff This week’s post is basically just a collection of calls to action, art pieces, short thoughts, and useful research resources from various community members mixed together. We hope you enjoy!
theory and strategy The Working Class is (Still) in Danger! With the 2024 US presidential election drawing closer, the right is once again ramping up its saber-rattling about civil war. While some argue that the threat of civil war is overblown, my fellow worker-organizers in education take the possibility very seriously.
inquiry Practical Research Tools for your own Workers' Self-Inquiry To understand the exploitation and alienation we experience in our individual workplaces, we have to research widely and deeply about matters that, on their surface, have nothing to do with our jobs.
inquiry An Education Worker's Inquiry Survey Series I am conducting research on capitalist exploitation of workers in the education industry. If you work in any job role in education, please consider answering some, or all, of the questions in this survey series.
theory and strategy Students Belong in the Union! This essay was adapted from a pamphlet written by UK based members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) union for student-organizers. Given the upsurge in undergraduate student-worker organizing in the last few years, it is an essential development we must analyze.
announcement An update - a shift in focus of the project Right now, we think the most productive path forward is to use our platform to bring together an informal community of revolutionary education workers.