Key Texts

You can find standalone versions of our most important writings for viewing and download here.

Proletarians or Professionals? A History from Below of Teacher Unionism in the United States

This piece began as a research paper created for a class that proletarian pedagogue took while working on his teacher certification in 2020. At first, it was meant to be a cut and dry, chronological history of the movement. But after digging into more of the history of teacher unionism, he began to ask more substantive questions about the class position of teachers. By the time it was finished, it was just as much an examination of how teachers are proletarianized as it was a history of trade unions. It basically marks the genesis of this whole Angry Education Workers project.

All sources can be found in our library.

The Industrialization of Education: A Taxonomy of Class Power

This is a worker's inquiry on the history of the education industry. It traces how the development of capitalism has caused education to increasingly embody a factory model of production. The author is currently working on a second edition of this text that will broaden its scope and depth, get in touch if you'd like to view its development or collaborate!

An Education Workers' Self-Inquiry

One of the most important sets of information to obtain sounds much simpler than it actually is: finding out who works with you. Capitalism brings together huge numbers of people from all backgrounds to work together to generate profits for the bosses and politicians. Fifteen million people work in the education industry, for example. Only healthcare makes up a larger share of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).