announcement Get involved with the Angry Education Workers Our goal is to convene a collective of revolutionary education workers of all backgrounds. If you're interested in getting involved, this post will give you several options on how to get started
events You're Invited: Social Gathering with IWW DMV EWOC We are hosting a social gathering on Sunday, June 16, at 6:30pm in Columbia Heights. This will be a great chance for interested fellow education workers to connect with current IWW EWOC organizers.
call to action Student Strike! DMV High School Strike for Gaza - May 24 Students of all ages, teachers, families, and supportive community members are all welcome at McPherson Square in DC at 11am to demonstrate solidarity with Palestine by disrupting business as usual.
class struggle Amiens IWW is in the Streets for Trans Rights Unions that ignore the political fights of the working class at their own peril. The student-workers of the Amiens IWW point a way forward.
call to action Urgent Call to Action: Support the Palestine Solidarity Encampments! There has been an upsurge in student organizing to stop the genocide in Palestine. They are facing severe repression, and need our solidarity!
call to action An Important Update and Call to Action from Solidarity, not Silence! If you live in the DC region, you are invited to a documentary viewing and discussion panel to connect with other radical educators and engage in collective political self-education about Palestine.
call to action Call to Action from Jailhouse Lawyers Speak: Prison Strike 2024 Jailhouse Lawyers Speak, on behalf of other inside collectives, announces the 2024 SHUT ‘EM DOWN Abolition Demonstrations dedicated to advocating to end legalized slavery and dismantling the prison industrial slave complex (abolition).
class struggle A Quick Guide to Unionization for Charter School Workers Public school workers are not the only ones who need unions.
inquiry Behold, The Marching Arts Body! How Drum Corps International and Bands of America use spiritual and physical tactics akin to Dominionistic Christians and Scientologists
call to action Call to Action: Support the BUGWU Strike Fund! The Boston University Graduate Workers Union is under attack by the university administration. They are withholding pay from all strikers, and even many students who are not on strike. We need to go all out to support the strikers till victory!
class struggle The Amiens IWW at the City's International Women's Rights Day Demonstration The Amiens, France IWW branch went all out for their city's International Women's Rights Day. These photos showcase their banner and participation in the demonstration.
class struggle An Update from the Amiens IWW The IWW student-worker militants of Amiens expand their intervention into the broader class struggles of the city and nation. They have been busy hosting rallies and collaborating with student unions.
music education Link Roundup: Some Random Stuff This week’s post is basically just a collection of calls to action, art pieces, short thoughts, and useful research resources from various community members mixed together. We hope you enjoy!
theory and strategy The Working Class is (Still) in Danger! With the 2024 US presidential election drawing closer, the right is once again ramping up its saber-rattling about civil war. While some argue that the threat of civil war is overblown, my fellow worker-organizers in education take the possibility very seriously.
inquiry Practical Research Tools for your own Workers' Self-Inquiry To understand the exploitation and alienation we experience in our individual workplaces, we have to research widely and deeply about matters that, on their surface, have nothing to do with our jobs.
class struggle A Report on the Organization of an IWW Branch in Amiens, France Conducting most of its campaigns in student circles, the union now welcomes young workers into its ranks. For the time being, the union was mainly involved in student struggles, but it was active and left its mark on the Amiens trade union scene.
class struggle A Union for ALL Education Workers! We in the DC, Maryland, and Virginia Education Workers Organizing Committee (aka DMV EWOC) hope to unite all education workers in the Greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan area to form a militant labor solidarity network.
call to action Location Change for Solidarity Not Silence Protest The school board cancelled their meeting, so educators, students, and supportive community members are rallying nearby at the Courthouse Square Park in Rockville, Maryland, instead.
call to action A Call to Action from Solidarity, not Silence! This is a call to action from an ad hoc coalition of educators from revolutionary unions and other activist groups in the Washington DC area (commonly known as the DMV). We are engaged in a free speech fight to have educators suspended for pro-Palestine advocacy reinstated.
inquiry An Education Worker's Inquiry Survey Series I am conducting research on capitalist exploitation of workers in the education industry. If you work in any job role in education, please consider answering some, or all, of the questions in this survey series.
theory and strategy Students Belong in the Union! This essay was adapted from a pamphlet written by UK based members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) union for student-organizers. Given the upsurge in undergraduate student-worker organizing in the last few years, it is an essential development we must analyze.
inquiry How DCI and BOA fit with Steven Hasan’s B.I.T.E model The reason why groups like DCI and BOA are toxic and dangerous is that parents, teachers, and students don’t know the harm or damage being done physiologically, mentally, and psychologically until much later on in life.
announcement An update - a shift in focus of the project Right now, we think the most productive path forward is to use our platform to bring together an informal community of revolutionary education workers.
call to action Support Palestinian Journalists The Printing and Publishing Workers Union (IU 450) of the IWW is raising money on behalf of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate. Details can't be shared but the PPWU folks are directly in touch with folks on the ground, so any money you send will have a real, concrete,
class struggle Spontaneous Combustion: Reflections on an Unplanned Workplace Direct Action A report and reflection about a series of direct actions and attempts to form a union by staff at a charter school from a former employee. We welcome other workplace reports, including anonymous ones. Summer, 2022 The meeting went off the rails when I got a text from one of