Report from Amiens IWW on organizing the working-class against fascism

With the tide of fascism rising rapidly in France and worldwide, the Amiens IWW set an example for unions everywhere.

Report from Amiens IWW on organizing the working-class against fascism

We share this update from the Amiens IWW for our reader’s consideration. We should view actions of the French IWW militants in their country’s education industry and broader labor movement as an example to follow. When fascism is rising, we should not wait on the sidelines, or view our collective struggles as education workers as separate from the antifascist struggle.

Hi Fellow Workers,

Bad news in France and Europe, where the far right has risen to over 32% in our country (Rassemblement National) and is leading the polls. All the organisations on the left - trade unions, political parties and others - are up in arms. The National Assembly has been dissolved by President Macron, leaving the far right with a good chance of taking most of the seats in the National Assembly and electing a far-right prime minister. A first step before the next elections in 2027, which are already looking tense in our country.

The call is clear: form a people’s union against the neo-fascism that threatens us. Locally, a demonstration is already in preparation to fight the fascist gangrene. It will take place this Wednesday evening.

For our part, we’re up to our ears in the fight against fascism, informing our comrades at work that without their help, all workers will be directly affected.

We’re campaigning on the networks and we’re also preparing collages and a demonstration based on the principle of the wild demonstration to make our anger heard, the anger of the working class.

Fascism is gangrene, it’s kill or be killed!

Our appeal:

“Union against Fascism! Fascism will not pass!”

Where are the words of the black berruriers today? ‘Never again 20%’, we exceeded 30% last night, and this can be seen everywhere in Europe.
This result is only possible because of the many authoritarian, security-conscious and reactionary policies of our past governments, both left and right.

Anti-fascism must now be the fight that leads the struggle of all workers throughout Europe and the world. Fascism is the coffin of the workers, giving full power to the multinationals and the big capitalist profiteers who see their current system collapsing and who play the fascist card to keep themselves in power.

It also costs all the minorities who are already oppressed: the LGBTI+ community, racialised people, women, the most precarious…

Let’s reject this society based on hatred, death and disaster!

We call on all our comrades, ideologically near and far, to unite, to create a real popular front, to organise anti-fascist demonstrations, against austerity, and in defence of minorities. We’ll be there, and with all the passion you know!

Update after the protest

Here are a few photos from our anti-fascist demonstration against the Rassemblement National (RN) and against Macron, who is becoming a stepping stone for the latter.

Some comrades have been arrested by the police, they’re not from us, but we’re going to demonstrate in front of the police station tomorrow to demand their release.

Repression is currently on the march in France. But we’re here to stand up to it.

A front between all the unions is also being put in place to call on all workers to lead general strikes, blockades and sabotage against fascism.

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This is a project to gather a community of revolutionary education workers who want a socialist education system. We want to become a platform for educators of all backgrounds and job roles to share workers’ inquiries, stories of collective action, labor strategy, theoretical reflection, and art.

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