You're Invited: Social Gathering with IWW DMV EWOC

We are hosting a social gathering on Sunday, June 16, at 6:30pm in Columbia Heights. This will be a great chance for interested fellow education workers to connect with current IWW EWOC organizers.

You're Invited: Social Gathering with IWW DMV EWOC

If you work in education—whether it be schools, daycares, libraries, museums, or other educational workplaces—and don’t have the power to hire and fire workers, you are invited to join us for a casual social gathering on Sunday, June 16 at 6:30pm.

We will convene at a restaurant in the Columbia Heights neighborhood in Washington, D.C. In the interest of worker privacy and making an accurate reservation, we ask you to please RSVP to receive the name and address of the venue location:

The DMV Education Workers Organizing Committee of the Industrial Workers of the World union is hosting a casual social event on Sunday, June 16. If you work in education and are not a boss (meaning you have the power to hire and fire people), you are invited to join us at a restaurant in Columbia Heights, Washington, D.C. at 6:30pm. Since we will have limited seats in the space, we are asking all interested fellow education workers to please RSVP so we can make an accurate reservation. The name and address of the restaurant will also be shared with you upon your RSVP.

Please feel free to share the RSVP link with trusted fellow workers at your workplace, especially those who have an interest in labor organizing and politics.

Whether you are ready to get involved in organizing or not, we are interested in meeting and getting to know you.

We in EWOC are actively supporting multiple DMV workplace organizing campaign, as well as a free speech fight on the issue of Palestine. We’d love to help you, too. But if you can’t organize on the shop floor, we always need help with the behind-the-scenes administrative work. Work that makes great organizing possible. Many hands make light work, as they say. We are always looking for folks willing to train to be external organizers for our worker organizer leads, in addition to outreach, reporting on our campaigns to IWW General Headquarters, and social media work. That way, we can build our presence in the region’s education industry and fight for real gains and independent, revolutionary worker power across the entire system.

Don’t know how to do something, but want to learn? We will teach you.

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